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构建绿色 wouldn’t be the successful program it is today without the hard work of our members, 提倡, 和合作伙伴. 这就是为什么, 在我们的年会上, we take the time to recognize the achievements and efforts of these folks at our reception and awards ceremony!

The 构建绿色 Hammer 奖 honor members for their outstanding projects over the past year in different building categories. 看看获奖名单:

构建绿色 Hammer 奖, 建筑商,定制或小型投机,少于10家TC Legend Homes

建筑商,定制或小型投机,少于10家TC Legend Homes

TC Legend Homes believes everyone should be able to enjoy the comfort and savings of a highly efficient home. 他们的使命是让人们负担得起正能源和净零能源. 在绿色建筑,我们支持这一使命. TC Legend Homes做了不少出色的工作, 负担得起的, 今年的超级节能项目. Their homes have achieved the among the highest point scores—585, 615, 685, 731, 748, and 771! 这些项目的验证者是Elizabeth Coe Ecoe公司.

之一 TC Legend Homes的项目被纳入案例研究 今年早些时候.

建造绿色锤子奖,建造者,小生产,10-100家- mrn家有限责任公司

建筑商,小型生产,10-100户MRN Homes有限公司

This category covers many of the builders who are making it possible for more people to live in the already developed urban areas of our region. 他们建造单户住宅、联排别墅和排屋.

MRN Homes有限公司 is a builder dedicated to building exceptional homes that reflect the evolving needs of their home buyers and the communities in which they live. Their reputation is solidly built on the quality and craftsmanship of the homes they construct. 他们追求持久的设计和持久的投资. 他们建造了41座房屋,平均得分为425分. 帕姆·沃纳 绿狗企业 是MRN所有项目的验证者吗.

构建绿色 Hammer 奖, 建筑商,小型多户家庭,少于50个单位化粪池系统建造服务


This category includes many of the smaller multifamily buildings around the region.

的栖息, 由STS建筑服务建造, 是一个令人愉快的绿色五星级多户微型住宅建筑. 它在绿色建筑清单上获得了611分. It is unique in its focus on providing 负担得起的 housing for artists in a setting that fosters community among the residents. 西比尔·特里比 常绿的认证 是验证者. 的栖息也曾在我们的 为每个人选择住房系列视频 在一个 案例研究.

建造绿色锤子奖,建筑商,大型多户家庭,50-150个单位-约翰逊 & 卡尔有限责任公司

建筑商,大型多户住宅,50-150个单位-约翰逊 & 卡尔有限责任公司

This category is doing the heavy lifting of adding capacity for more people to live in already-developed neighborhoods.

1404年波依斯顿 一个有107个单元的多户建筑有520点在我们的清单上吗. 约翰逊 & 卡尔有限责任公司 is a local Seattle developer of multifamily and mixed-used projects located in the city’s urban core. 由Tyler Carr和Kelten 约翰逊于2010年创立, 公司专门从事城市填充物的创意应用, 重点是提供负担得起的可持续住房. 帕姆·沃纳 绿狗企业 是验证者.

构建绿色 Hammer 奖, 开发商,小社区,不到100英亩约翰·巴肯住宅公司 & 金正日桑德斯

开发商,小社区,不到100英亩约翰·巴肯住宅公司 & 金正日桑德斯

由约翰·巴肯住宅公司建造,由金正日桑德斯开发, Kirkland’s Juanita Farmhouse Cottages achieved both 构建绿色 5-Star with 628 points, 以及绿色建筑社区认证. Comprising nine new cottages and a common house/barn that includes a guest apartment, the site is provided with infiltration swales for roof water drainage that are integrated with native and drought-tolerant landscaping, 利用除部分共享车道外的所有透水表面. Indoor water use is reduced by the use of low-flow fixtures and WaterSense toilets.

We loved the way this community of modestly sized cottage homes shows that green building can be beautiful in a traditional way. Tom Balderston的 Balderston同事 是验证者. 查看我们的 胡安妮塔农舍的案例研究.

绿色建筑之锤奖,绿色建筑倡导者,私营部门- rose Lathrop

绿色建筑倡导者,私营部门- rose Lathrop

今年,我们要表彰的是罗斯·莱思罗普 可持续的关系 在贝灵汉. Rose is on the 构建绿色 Executive Committee and has been tireless in bringing the 转变为零 向更广泛的受众传递信息. Rose has been a great advocate and champion for green building and sustainability in Whatcom County for years and her contagiously positive approach has helped keep 构建绿色 on the radar for Bellingham builders.



The 构建绿色 Pioneer Award goes to an individual who has made a significant contribution to 构建绿色 program.

阿利斯泰尔是校长,也是 O 'Brien360. O 'Brien360’s vision is the equitable advancement of the built environment toward positive life cycle impacts. 他们的使命是整合可持续建筑专业知识, 深思熟虑的分析, 以及一种促进积极成果的合作方式.

Alistair领导着O 'Brien360的住宅服务工作. He has worked on updates to 构建绿色 and helped develop similar programs in other Washington counties, 以及加州和夏威夷. We appreciate his dedication as a 构建绿色 verifier and multifamily energy modeler, as well as his thoughtful deep dives into the nuances of multifamily energy modeling as it applies to 构建绿色.



法官的选择- - -洛佩斯社区土地信托基金

获得评委选择奖, we recognize an outstanding project that doesn’t fit in our usual award categories.

洛佩斯社区土地信托基金 has been building net zero 负担得起的 housing for more than a decade and continues to unleash the power of community working together. We wanted to recognize their Salish Way Net-Zero Cottages for a few reasons—for their innovative and 负担得起的 ownership model, for achieving the highest points on the 构建绿色 checklist of any project this year (871!),以及实现我们的净零认证. Tom Balderston的 Balderston同事 是验证者. 了解更多有关 在这个案例研究中,萨利希方式的净零小屋.

构建绿色 Hammer 奖, 年度项目-NOCO公寓, Photo: True One Group LLC


最后, the 构建绿色 Hammer 奖 Project of the Year goes to a project and company that has both pushed the envelope of green building and made significant contributions to the 构建绿色 program in the last year. 2019年的获奖者是 住发展这里是NOCO公寓. Dwell的使命是永远领先, 总是挑战, 并且总是努力为他们建造的每一个家做更多的事情, 希望他们建造的每一栋房子都是零净值!

NOCO公寓在绿色建筑的清单上获得了612分. 四层楼, 18,000 square foot building has 50 small efficiency apartments and four live/work units, 哪一个租金只有999美元. Amenities include onsite laundry, a game room, heated bike storage, a courtyard, and a rooftop deck. 该项目有两个临街商业空间,没有停车场. NOCO(哥伦比亚城北部的缩写), is one of the first apartment buildings in Seattle to use next-generation solar technology for hot water, an amazingly cost-effective and ecofriendly way to generate hot water for residents.

安东尼Maschmedt, Dwell公司负责人, serves on the 构建绿色 executive committee and is a tireless advocate for green building. 我们感谢他的时间和精力! 西比尔·特里比 常绿的认证 是验证者. NOCO公寓也曾登上Master Builder杂志.

We are exceedingly proud of all these award recipients for breaking new ground in making 负担得起的, 非常绿色的建筑, 主要在城市, 适于步行的, bikeable社区. 这是前进的道路! 保持下去!


